Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care is proud to announce that we have elected our newest incoming Chief Executive Officer! We are excited to welcome Sarah Kirchner to the Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care team. Sarah, along with...
It was with very heavy hearts that we said goodbye to our longtime beloved Pet Therapist Carol Verly Carlson last week after her recent passing. Carol had been a member of the Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care team...
Please view the Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care’s July 2021 Newsletter by clicking on this link: July 2021 NL_LB We would love for you to read all about the exciting things we have going on this summer! Hint:...
Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care have teamed up with local sponsors to raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer. The primary focus of the local Tough Enough to Wear Pink Campaign is to increase awareness around breast cancer...
The Annual Prairie Home Hospice and Community Care’s Charity Event & Auction has been a premier charity event in Lyon County for 35 years. This year’s 35th annual event will take place on August 6th at the Red Baron...
PRAIRIE HOME HOSPICE TO HOST ANNUAL “LIGHT UP THE NIGHT” EVENT In spite of the challenges of 2020, Prairie Home Hospice will host the Annual “Light Up the Night” event again this year. “While many communities across the state...
PRAIRIE HOME HOSPICE TO HOST ANNUAL “LIGHT UP THE NIGHT” EVENT In spite of the challenges of 2020, Prairie Home Hospice will host the Annual “Light Up the Night” event again this year. “While many communities across the...
Prairie Home Hospice and Community Care would like to recognize and thank Dennis Klocow for his recent donation to Fieldcrest at Prairie Home Hospice in Cottonwood, MN. Prairie Home has been making slow, but steady improvements to the facility...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 22, 2020 Prairie Home Hospice Receives Grant From Otto Bremer Trust Prairie Home Hospice recently received a grant in the amount of $55,000 from The Otto Bremer Trust to support their nonprofit mission of serving...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 22, 2020 North Star Donates to Fieldcrest Assisted Living Facility Pictured from left to right, Senior Vice President’s of North Star Mutual, Mike Flugum, Todd Bussuyt, Larry Johnson, and President Pete Hellie North Star...
Prairie Home Hospice and Community Care would like to acknowledge and express a very special “Thank You” to Chapter 33 of our local Disabled American Veterans association. Chapter 33 recently donated $2,000.00 to Prairie Home Hospice and Community Care....
April is a very special month for us here at Prairie Home Hospice and Community Care! It is the month that we get to recognize our fabulous volunteers that make our organization everything that it is! We have meal...
COVID-19 has impacted all our lives in a variety of ways, some of which we may not fully recognize yet. While we have known for a while that a pandemic of this proportion was possible, we chose not to...
RE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care has announced that we will no longer be allowing visitors at Prairie Home Fieldcrest Assisted Living in Cottonwood. There are no current signs of the virus within the facility...