Hospice Care

Certified Hospice Agency Since 1984

Hospice Care

Prairie Home Hospice believes in making every day count for those who have been diagnosed with advanced illness. The focus is on caring, not curing, to allow the patient to live in peace and with dignity, surrounded by their friends and family in the environment they are most comfortable. We provide hospice care at home, in assisted living facilities, in nursing homes or in one of our two residential hospice houses.

Our hospice services provide special care and support to the family throughout the advanced illness experience. Prairie Home Hospice cares for patients of all ages, religions, races and illnesses.

Since 1984, Prairie Home Hospice has been dedicated to providing expert physical, emotional and spiritual care and support to patients and families dealing with life limiting conditions. Prairie Home Hospice is highly recognized for the special hospice care we provide to patients and families throughout Lyon County and the surrounding area.

Take a Deep Breath

You’re scared, you’re confused. You don’t know what to do. There are so many decisions that have to be made. Fortunately, you don’t have to make them alone. Prairie Home Hospice & Community Care has the knowledge and experience to help with every aspect of care for those diagnosed with a serious illness. Call us first because it’s never too early to get help. We’ll make all those other decisions easier.

Hospice is a special concept of care for a person in the latter stages of a terminal illness. Our philosophy affirms life and regards death as a normal process. The focus of care is quality of living and dignity with the patient/family retaining control of their lives and treatments. Hospice cares for the total person with support and comfort for the physical, emotional, spiritual and psychosocial needs of both patient and the family. Hospice care is available to anyone who meets our admission criteria without regards to national origin, handicap, age, race, color, region creed or ability to pay.

Our Hospice Houses

Prairie Home Hospice has been providing residential hospice care to patients at Lockwood Hospice House since 2004 and McLaughlin House since 2018. Thanks to the generous support of the communities we serve, we offer two residential hospice houses in the community. This is a unique privilege, given the fact that there are only fourteen residential hospice houses throughout all of Minnesota.

Image of the McLaughlin House.
Image of the Lockwood House.